Relationship Building Assessment
About this assessment
This behavioral assessment focuses on the networking habits of the candidate and her/his ability to connect with business partners. The 3 work behaviors assessed are the skill to grow a network, the ability to inspire and build trust, and the capacity to maintain connections over the long term.
Behaviors tested
Why those behaviors matter in the workplace
The importance of relationship-building skills in business can't be understated. Whether you're looking for a new job or seeking to grow your network of contacts, every individual needs to have some level of relationship-building skills when entering the business world.
This is especially true in sales-related positions, where the capacity to go reach out to others and build sympathy bonds can be key to uncovering new opportunities and closing new businesses. In most B2B businesses, good relationships and a certain level of trust are key to complementing a good product offering.
Do not think of relationship building as only an extravert activity. If extrovert personalities may find it easier to interact in crowded environments (think of networking events for example), introverts may excel in deeper one-to-one long-term or in building relationships virtually.
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